ºC-ute Appreciation Week! ☆ Day Seven: Their Legacy

Welcome to the last day of ºC-ute Appreciation Week where I'll be talking about other things about the group aside from just reviewing their songs. It is day seven, the last day; today is the day where the group has their final concert. Their story has finally come to an end, they've reached the finish line. All five of them will separate and move towards different paths for their future.

Honestly, I really didn't know what to talk about for this entry since I kinda talked about almost everything- my favorites, the members. When I created my plan for ºC-ute Appreciation Week, when it came to day seven– I've written free choice because I thought that by then, I would have some interesting idea for the final day. But, I don't because I'm weird and awkward. So today, I'll just be writing about the following: how I came to know the group, one last goodbye message, and their mark on Hello! Project history.

I mentioned this briefly in my day one entry but it was because of Airi that I came to know the group. I knew of her in Buono! and as I became more and more interested in idol culture, I eventually learned about ºC-ute as well. I wasn't too keen on them at the moment since I was more interested in Berryz Koubou. Aside from Namida no Iro, I wasn't that much of a fan of their earlier songs pre-2010. I just found their songs then to not be that memorable for me. However, over time, I slowly came to fall in love with their songs and came to know the members more. And now, they've become one of my top favorite J-pop idol groups of all time. I never expected it. If you asked me back then if I would ever think that I would love ºC-ute as much as I do now, I'd probably say that you're crazy and start blasting a random Berryz Koubou song. /whacked;

I still feel bittersweet. On one hand, I really wanted them to just last a little longer yet, at the same time, they've dedicated over ten years in this group- it's time for them to move on and pursue other things that makes then happy. The girls has been with been working with each other since back in 2005-2006. They've practically been through a wave of things during Hello! Project, from the end of the golden age (2007) to the decline (2007-2012) and to slowly raising back up in relevancy again (2012-now). They were able to build quite a big fanbase internationally and now they've become the top of Hello! Project itself.

This is the legacy they're going to leave behind for all the younger girls that still remain. Over the years, they released a good handful of amazing songs and music videos. We have people such as Airi or Chisato, who are amazing vocalists, or Saki, who's an amazing dancer, that inspired many of the younger girls of the current generation. This is ºC-ute, this is who they are. They were there, they have left their mark in the agency's history. Never before will the current generation ever had such prominent figures right now.

There will be none like them before and there will be none afterwards. It's a very powerful quote that I think suits the group and their current situation when it comes to Hello! Project right now. I sincerely the wish the girls all of the best in their individual goals, their own futures. They've worked so hard as idols for the past decade. Their music inspired me, cheered me up. Yes, I am disappointed in a handful of songs but it shows that they can improve overall. The girls have also individual inspired me in some aspects. I look up to them as role models as well. Never would I imagine that I would come to love them as much as I do now and I'm here to witness their finale.

To ºC-ute, thank you for all you've done to enrich your fans' lives with your music. You will be remembered. There will be none like you before and none afterwards.

ºC-ute, さよなら。 ありがとう。 大好き。


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