

It is here~ Winter break has finally come - for me, of course~ (笑) Well I go to a private school so that's why~ So anyways, it turned out to be a pretty okay day for me~ It was kinda boring but at least I didn't do any school work unless doing Christmas word searches count as one (^^ゞ

So today at school, I handed out my teachers their little gifts : giftcards! However, what I didn't realize was that every teacher in the school was bombarded with gifts! My homeroom teacher have like five huge full bags of treats and gifts! (*゚ロ゚)
-- Whoa, the teachers must be so popular this year ...

 Anyways, my class did our little secret santa thing but I was surprised with mine. So unlike the traditional secret santa game, this game was at random. We just bring in our gifts, only writing on the tag whether it was for a boy and for a girl. At the end, we pick at random which gift we'll take (boys take from the boys' pile of gifts, girls chooses from the girls'). I choose a nice little box which shiny wrapping paper.
-- I wanted to take a picture of it but I was still in school so I can't use my iPod --

Well inside the gift was a pretty scarf from Nordstrom! (((( ;°Д°)))) Like whoa ... Well that's a surprise.
Anyways, that's all for this post~




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