It's Still Summer! I Don't Want Autumn!

So apparently, AAA decides to go "Autumn" now! No, it's still summer!

They uploaded this MV yesterday and I fell in love with it. My gawd, all the feels. First I was fangirlng about Nissy's solo MV and then they give me this! Avex, you are seriously something! Now, if only you could let aLoval Boys get their major debut and release a MV and a major single, I would be even happier! Kekeke. I really did fell in love with "Koi Oto to Amazora." Ugh, everyone did amazing in this MV.

When I was watching the MV, I had the whole "Miss you" MV feel to it. It was very vintage and had that whole classical feel to it. While "Miss you" was true to the winter theme, "Koi Oto to Amazora" was true to the autumn theme imo. The set was actually at a circus, minus the clowns and crazy people. Usually I'm iffy about these kinds of sets but this time, I'm actually okay with the set. The circus setting was really simple and vintage, which again was really nice.

The song was absolutely amazing! I fell in love with Nissy's solos and Uno's solos! I secretly wished that this song would be just a duet for the two of them, but it's better with the entire group yo! Now I really love Mitsu's rap in this, but it was only a little rap. While everyone had all these solos, he had that one little rap. He didn't get as much screen time like in "Love Is In The Air" which was kinda sad. So I really cam to love his rap in the song, it didn't seem awkward. It fits the song~

So apparently, I yelled out "YEEEEEEEEEEES!" at Shinji's and Uno's scene together. Mmhmm, that's right. I ship it. I ship them as much as I ship TakaUno. Finally, Uno gives Shinji a chance! Oh, think of all the story ideas coming to my head right now! Now, there was a NishiChi/NaoChi scene which I did not care for. Lol nope, I don't ship it. I was so focused on Shinji and Uno. Yes, go Shinji! You finally have a chance! You got out of the friend zone!

Speaking of Shinji, he has so much screen time in this MV! That was really unexpected. Usually, he would be in the back somewhere. Like he's always in the background, like he's there but he doesn't usually have that much screen time like Nissy and Uno and Naoya. So I was really surprised but happy at the same time! Shinji is a great singer and he did amazing in this song!

Overall, this was a really great MV and I love the song! Although, somehow it feels like something is still lacking though. Like they could have done a bit better but whatever! This MV was amazing and I love it to bits! I will seriously buy this single if I have the chance! This may end up being one of my all-time favorite songs this year! Well, until my next post~ Jyaa ne~
Song: "Koi Oto to Amazora" by AAA
Mood: "Yay! Go Shinji!" (*≧▽≦)


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